Home ownership is a wonderful thing. To have the ability to invest your hard-earned dollars into something that potentially will pay you a premium in the future is fantastic. The tax advantages that homeownership has to offer are also amazing. We’ll save this for another time. But along with this terrific opportunity comes the massive responsibility of home maintenance.
Having been in real estate sales forever (over 24 years), there is one really solid piece of advice that I can give to you and every homeowner out there. Stay on top of your home maintenance. Here in the Pacific NW there are specific things that really should be done each year and the fall is the time to make sure these things get done so that winter doesn’t become a downer.
First and foremost, get your furnace serviced. This should be done each year without exception. It helps your heating system run much more efficiently and can cut down on your heating bills. Can you think of anything worse than having a snowy cold day outside and not having a furnace to heat your home inside? It happens every winter to people throughout Whatcom County and it’s a really uncomfortable place to be. Servicing a furnace usually runs around $100 and is well worth the investment. And while they are there, have the company service any gas fireplaces you have in your home. It can cost you much more if you wait until something goes wrong.
Get your roof treated. Yes, we north westerners always joke about us getting so much rain that moss grows on our heads. Maybe that’s not entirely true, but there is no doubt that it grows on our roofs and can cause major damage. If left untreated, as it grows the moss will edge roof shingles upward allowing for water intrusion and roof compromise. I am by no means promoting that you yourself get up on your roof and treat the roof yourself. Falling off of your roof can be extremely harmful – even deadly. Hire a licensed professional to come out and apply the necessary treatment. Again, maintenance is much cheaper than replacing a roof long before its advertised lifespan.
And lastly don’t forget to cover your exposed pipes, hose bibs and foundation vents. Avoid burst pipes and the damage that comes with them from those cold northeastern winds that we experience in Whatcom County each winter. Inexpensive foam piping sleeves and Styrofoam vent & hose bib covers can be purchased at your local home improvement stores. A burst pipe can cause thousands of dollars of damage if left unnoticed. Don’t make this mistake.
Staying on top of your home maintenance will make life easier while living in your home or when you get ready to sell your home. There is enough already to worry about when you are going to sell your home. And if you’re ready to sell, you know to who to call – ME!